Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Black Day

April 14th is known as the Black Day in Korea. It's nothing scary. ;) It's actually similar to Valentine's day and White day. Remember how on Valentine's days girlfriends buy chocolate for their boyfriends and how on White day boyfriends buy candy for their girlfriends? So who buys what and to whom on Black day? Well, there are no presents. Black day is not for couples, it's for single people. :)

February 14th - Valentine's day
March 14th - White day
April 14th - Black day

Yes, finally! It's not always all about couples. I know how annoying it can be when you're single on holidays like this. Even Christmas is more or less for couples in Korea. Then there's Valentine's and White day and Rose day and so on... but at least there is one day for singles too :)

On black day singles or people who didn't receive any gifts on Valentine's and White day get together and eat jajangmyeon. Yes, it's jajangmyeon again. :) The reason people eat jajangmyeon on black day is very simple - it's because of its black color. Jajangmyeon (as you probably know by now) is noodles in black soybean sauce. And even though black sauce might sound or look strange, it is very very yummy! I love jajangmyeon.

So on black day friends gather over some jajangmyeon and then complain about their love lives or the lack of it :) Well either that, or they can just celebrate being single. :)

My boyfriend and I also wanted to go and eat some jajangmyeon for dinner tonight. Even though we're a couple we just both really love jajangmyeon. But then we decided not to go. For one thing, that delicious chinese place near our house might be crowded tonight. The other reason is, we usually eat dinner at home during the week and eat out on weekends. So we'll have some jajangmyeon this Saturday instead. Also, we don't want to upset any singles out there like on the picture below hehe ;)

Well Korea actually has a lot of special days on the 14th day of the month. After Valentine's day, White day and Black day there are others too.

May 14th - Rose day
June 14th - Kiss day
December 14th - Hug day

But these days are not really that popular. I guess Rose day, Kiss day and Hug day are. But other, I've never even heard of. There are also Silver day, Green day, Movie day, Music Day, Whine day and Candle day as I've just discovered online. But I've never heard of them and neither has my boyfriend. I think most people don't really celebrate those. But I guess some might, and why not? It's a fun thing to do as a couple. But it can also be too much. I think my boyfriend and I have enough holidays for now. We've got our anniversary coming up soon too. ^^

Anyway, I hope you have a great day whether you're single or not. If you can't get jajangmyeon then treat yourself to some other type of food that you like and have fun. ^^

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